ACTIVITY #2 Git Fundamentals Documentation on

Check Git Version

Command: git --version

This command checks the currently installed version of Git on your system.

Configure Git

Commands: git config --global "Your Name" git config --global ""

These commands set your global Git username and email, which will be associated with your commits.

Initialize a Git Repository

Command: git init

This initializes a new Git repository in the current directory, setting up the .git directory.

Add Files to the Repository

Command: git add .

This command stages all changes in the current directory for the next commit.

Check the Status

Command: git status

This shows the current status of the repository, including which files are staged for commit.

Commit Changes

Command: git commit -m "Initial commit"

This commits the staged changes with the message "Initial commit."

View Commit History

Command: git log

This command displays the commit history, showing all the commits made in the repository.

This documentation covers the basic steps of using Git for version control. Each step is critical for managing your project’s files efficiently.