Activity #19: Research Definition


  • Data refers to the information that a computer processes or stores, which can exist in various formats, including numbers, text, images, or audio.


  • A structure is an arrangement or organization of elements. In the realm of data, it describes how data is organized and accessed within a program.

Data Structure

  • A data structure is a specific method for organizing data in a computer to enable effective usage. The goal is to minimize space and time complexities for various tasks.

[ ] - Square Bracket

  • Square brackets [ ], also known as brackets, are punctuation marks used to modify or supplement information within quoted material.

  • They are commonly used to indicate arrays or lists. For instance, [1, 2, 3] signifies a list of numbers.

{ } - Curly Braces

  • Proper punctuation is essential in writing.

  • Curly braces { } are frequently used to represent sets or dictionaries. For example, {1, 2, 3} denotes a set of unique numbers.